JUDICIARY Latest Features

Hon. Judges Concerned About "Fake" Lawyers.

The Hon. Judges during their 16th\r\nannual conference expressed concern about the scores of unsuspecting and\r\ndesperate members of public who have been fleeced of their money by phony\r\nlawyers.


During a session chaired by Hon.\r\nJustice Masalu Musene at Imperial Resort Beach Hotel in Entebbe, the Hon. Judges\r\nattributed the trend to the high failure rates at the Law Development Centre. 

Hon. Justice Stephen Musota (head of the civil division of the High Court) said\r\ncommotion broke out during a session he was presiding over in court when a\r\nclient discovered that his "lawyer” was a quack.  He called onto the Chief Registrars to provide\r\ntheir lordships with lists of qualified lawyers.


Hon. Lady Justice Dr. Esther\r\nKisaakye suggested that it should be made mandatory for lawyers to include\r\ntheir practicing certificated in the documents they submit in court when filing\r\ncases to curb the problem.


The Hon. Judges said the public\r\ncan find out if a lawyer has a valid practicing certificate from the Uganda Law\r\nSociety, Law Council and the Office of the Chief Registrar at the High Court.



Posted 30th, January 2014
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